30 People Share Iconic Stories Of Their Childhood That They’re Notorious For

30 People Share Iconic Stories Of Their Childhood That They’re Notorious For


No one can deny that children are creative. However, their creativity often gets them in trouble, so adults must keep an eye on them before disaster strikes. And while parents worry about what their kids will think of next, twitter users share moments from their own childhood to remind everyone that children are never boring.
We already presented you with a list of stories from people’s childhood that sums up their characters so here is another one about kids being on-brand! Scroll below to read the best responses delivered to the @KEBrightbill thread.

More info: twitter.com


anamariecox Report

Foxxy 1 month ago

My hubby used to get told off all the times because he wouldn’t show his working out. He could work the equations in his head but struggled/s to write them down. Me I am hopeless at equations and still have to use my fingers to count with.

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//=__(‘About the author’, ‘boredpanda’)?>

Author, BoredPanda staff

Andželika is a content creator based in Vilnius, Lithuania. She has a proven love for animals with over 50 articles written exclusively about them. While she does find cats extremely adorable, thanks to the Internet her all-time favorite animal is a raccoon. Andželika spends a great deal of time online, constantly gets distracted from work by memes, and could surely make listening to music her part-time job.

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Liz Perry 1 month ago

My mum unfairly grounded me and wouldn’t let me go to my friend’s house so I took her credit card and made a $50 pledge to PBS while she was watching the telethon. I never laughed harder when I heard her scream my name after they thanked her on camera.

Omar A 1 month ago

My first week in Germany, I took a stroll around the neighborhood we were living in, since civilians weren’t given base housing, looking for somewhere to have a Hot Wheel derby. Saw a man picking cherries and plums from trees in someone’s front yard. The owner saw me, a quiet black kid with a plastic bag full of Hot Wheels, just watching. I just came from NYC, never saw fruit trees up close before. She called me over, made me dump out the cars in my bag and filled them with fruit. I ran home and my mother demanded I reveal where I snatched those cherries from. She drove me to the house, saw the woman, and made her first German friend.

Sarah Schoenhaar 1 month ago

My parents regularly recall the time when I was two, and was at a church picnic; I happily took slices of raw, red onion, dipped them in ketchup, and ate them. This would set a precedent of me eating strange things in public, much to the bemusement of confused onlookers (not to mention the embarrassment of friends and family).

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Liz Perry 1 month ago

My mum unfairly grounded me and wouldn’t let me go to my friend’s house so I took her credit card and made a $50 pledge to PBS while she was watching the telethon. I never laughed harder when I heard her scream my name after they thanked her on camera.

Omar A 1 month ago

My first week in Germany, I took a stroll around the neighborhood we were living in, since civilians weren’t given base housing, looking for somewhere to have a Hot Wheel derby. Saw a man picking cherries and plums from trees in someone’s front yard. The owner saw me, a quiet black kid with a plastic bag full of Hot Wheels, just watching. I just came from NYC, never saw fruit trees up close before. She called me over, made me dump out the cars in my bag and filled them with fruit. I ran home and my mother demanded I reveal where I snatched those cherries from. She drove me to the house, saw the woman, and made her first German friend.

Sarah Schoenhaar 1 month ago

My parents regularly recall the time when I was two, and was at a church picnic; I happily took slices of raw, red onion, dipped them in ketchup, and ate them. This would set a precedent of me eating strange things in public, much to the bemusement of confused onlookers (not to mention the embarrassment of friends and family).

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